How Does Top UK Wedding Bands Work?
Welcome to Top UK Wedding Bands, home to the very best selection of bands available for weddings in the UK today.
For Wedding Couples
Couples can browse bands directly from the home page or click through to the specific categories (wedding bands, tribute bands, solo performers or DJs). The more details buttons lead to information about the act – photos, biog, audio, videos etc. and links through to the web site for more info and booking.
For Wedding Bands / Musicians
Musicians and bands can add themselves to Top UK Wedding Bands from here: https://www.topukweddingbands.co.uk/add-listing/
Types of listing
The first step to getting added to Top UK Wedding Bands is to choose a type of listing from the four options:
- Bronze Listing (£5/mnth)
- Silver Listing (£15/mnth)
- Gold Listing (£20/mnth)
- Platinum Listing (£70/mnth)
There are also various listing enhancements which you can choose from. Payments are quick and easy via Paypal and there is no obligation to subscribe for any particular time period. You can create or delete an automatic payment profile using Paypal at any time.
What are the differences between the different types of listing?
Bronze – the entry level listing that includes basic details like biog, photos, vidoes and a link to your web site.
Silver – upgrade to appear above all the bronze listings near the top of your category.
Gold – this listing type is highlighted in the search results and will show up above silver and bronze listings.
Platinum – the best possible listing, always shows at the top of the home page (on rotation with other platinum listings) and includes all listing enhancements.